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This section provides details of the cookies used on this website.

Follow one of the links below for further information:

What is a cookie?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a web site.  The cookie then sends this information back to the originating web site when you visit it again.

Why do website developers use cookies?

Cookies make the interaction between users and websites faster and easier, and help to improve websites.  Without cookies, a web site could not remember a user's preferences or registration details for a future visit.

Websites use cookies mainly because they save time and make the browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. Cookies can also enable websites to monitor their users' web surfing habits and profile them for marketing purposes.

What cookies do we use?

We have classified our cookies according to the categories proposed by the International Chamber of Commerce.

None of the cookies used on our websites gather personal information about you.

Essential Cookies

These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of our websites. They:

  • Check if a user has closed the Cookie Notification bar at the top of the site
  • Verify that when you submit a form that it originates from you and not a fraudulent source
  • If you save a job to your Saved Job list then this uses a cookie to store your saved jobs.

User Experience Cookies

These performance cookies collect information about how our websites is used. The purpose of these cookies is to help us improve our website, and to report website usage for reasons such as rights reporting to music collecting societies. They:

  • Integrate Google Analytics to help us collect anonymous data on website visitors that help us improve our services

Customisation Cookies

These cookies help personalise your online experience with us.

Targeting and Marketing Cookies

These cookies help us target and tailor our marketing, so it is relevant and helpful, and reaches the right audience. This can be on our digital services or other websites, social media platforms and search engines, or via other channels such as direct mail. These cookies are delivered by third parties that provide online advertising services.

Change these settings at any time from 'Manage cookies settings' at the bottom of the screen.