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Beacons for mutual good at the London Marathon
At Nationwide we help you to help others. We caught up with Phillip, Kimberley, and Lewis to hear about their London Marathon experience and their support for one of our prior charity partners, Shelter.
How did the event go?
Phillip who works as a Treasury Manager said "Amazing! I would recommend it to anyone and say that the time you complete it in is secondary, unless you're trying to win it."
Kimberley, a Customer Representative stated "At the start line I was feeling incredibly nervous, and the weather was very cold. No rain but there was a bit of a wind. Everyone was so friendly and made an effort to talk. The atmosphere was incredible. The most humbling experience I have ever had. Seeing people run with disabilities and hearing people's reasons for running was outstanding. The whole run and the support from the crowd was amazing and seeing all the iconic landmarks was incredible. My run was going fine until I hit mile nineteen. Then it was a mental battle for the next seven miles, it was the crowds that got me through it."
Lewis, an Analyst shared "It was an amazing experience; I absolutely loved every second of it. Taking in all the sights and surroundings whilst running through London was brilliant. There were so many people cheering all the runners on, which helps give you the motivation and strength to keep going even if you are struggling."
How did you feel at the finish?
Phillip. A sense of emotional relief. Many months of physical and mental build up and all completed in a simple step over the line. It made me want to see my family and give them a big hug. They were a big part of my journey during training and being there on the day to celebrate together.
Kimberley. The finishing line was full of emotions. I cried for a few reasons. I had completed my first marathon, I was sad that I hadn’t seen my family on the route, and my time was slower than I hoped for. Then I reminded myself the reason I was running was to raise money for Shelter. I personally managed to raise over £2,800 for them. I definitely have the marathon blues. I would run it again in a heartbeat. Even though the following day my legs were sore, and I had very painful blisters. This is a marathon I will never forget.
Lewis. To begin with, relief that it was done! It was quite surreal to take in, with everyone all smiling and congratulating me on what I and all the other runners who crossed the line had achieved. Then a sense of sadness, that after all the hard work, training, and build-up, it was over. However, it has made me appreciate what a wonderful opportunity to complete a marathon is and it’s inspired me to want to run it again!
Congratulations to Phillip, Kimberley and Lewis in supporting our drive to be a beacon for mutual good.